November 3, 1941
To Martin's Family
Meine Lieben,
Hope this letter reaches you and finds you healthy and well. We responded right away to your telegram, and have been waiting for eight days to learn if Hede would receive her exit permit. If yes, we would immediately take care of the trip to Cuba. Please inquire whether you can pay for the whole or at least part of the trip from over there, for I have heard of several cases where this was possible. This would be a great help. I showed your telegram to the Nachmanns, but there was no comment whatsoever regarding any financial help. Actually, I did not expect that, for they are also struggling. I received a card from Aunt Selma; she is extremely worried about you. Ernst produced an additional sponsorship for Uncle Jacob; Margot and spouse received their visas and hope to leave soon. I will ask them if they could help me out, but even without them I will manage it, provided you can pay for the trip yourself. I won’t be able to help Aunt Hans though. Her letter arrived today; she is happy that the whole family is together: Herbert has been since July and Rudolf since August with them, and they hope they can soon emigrate. In the new year I had promised her that I would help them here but of course, since the closure of the American Consulate everything has changed. Hopefully Albert can do something. By the way, Aunt Hans does not yet know about Alfred.
Here in Chicago there is nothing new. Mitzi cannot get used to her pregnancy and has to throw up a lot. Right now she is sitting in the bathroom, patting her big bump. We could not, as of yet, agree upon whether we want to call the baby Judith or Peter; have you got any other suggestions?
But mostly we hope to get your response soon regarding Hede’s permission to leave, so we can apply for the Cuba visas.
Meanwhile stay healthy. Warm greetings from your Martin.