

Martin Marx schreibt an Onkel Max und Tante Selma in Louisville:

Martin beglückwünscht seine Verwandten zur gelungenen Ankunft in Louisville,

bedankt sich für Lebensmittelpakete, die sie nach Frankfurt geschickt haben und für Mitbringsel. Er weist darauf hin, dass nicht alle seine Geldsendungen an Bekannte, die seiner Familie in Frankfurt Lebensmittel schicken sollen, bestätigt werden und bittet die Levy´s, ihren Übermittlungsweg weiterhin zu nutzen; er dankt auch dafür, dass sie seine Wäsche lagern, da er an Raumnot leidet.

Er berichtet über seinen missglückten Einstieg in ein Kamera-Geschäft in Texas und seine jetzige Tätigkeit. Dann umreißt er die Situation bezügl. der Bürgschaft für seine „Lieben“ in Frankfurt a. M., da Harry nicht mehr mitbürgen wolle, seine Bürgschaft allein aber nicht ausreiche; er deckt seine finanziellen Verhältnisse auf und kritisiert die „Gleichgültigkeit der Herz´schen Verwandtschaft“ in dieser Sache, zumal er alles, was für ihn einmal ausgelegt worden war, an sie zurückerstattet habe. Der Brief schließt mit einem Lagebericht über die Salomon-Familie.

Indirekt ist dies wohl auch eine Bitte an Levy´s, mitzubürgen.

Dear Aunt Selma and Uncle Max,

I was very glad to receive your kind message. Now your wanderings have come to an end. I can imagine how happy you must feel after all the trials and tribulations to be with your children at last. Based on your report, it appears you found it relatively easy to get used to your new life. Naturally, the language is a problem. I very much admire that you, Uncle Max, have already some business set up. I would especially like to thank you for all you have done for my father. They mention again what a great help it was for them to receive your care packages. I have sent 5 dollars in March and April and again 5 to Moritz Mainzer that has not yet been confirmed, and once to Gisa Korngold which was confirmed. Because the shipping via Mainzer is unsure, I’d prefer if you could do this via your connections in Rotterdam in the future. Please let me know if I should send you money. Hopefully Netherlands will exist still when this letter reaches you. Also thank you for the things you brought me, although I would be even more grateful if you could keep the linen at your place, if you have room for it and this does not mean any inconvenience for you, for I have no idea where I should put it in my small bachelor pad. I have moved since my return from Texas in the fall, so I no longer live with my friends (during my absence another person moved in there), so I only go there to eat.

There is not much to report about me. As you know I have been in the photo branch for the last three years. In the fall 1939 I was planning to partner in a business in Corpus Christi, but after 14 days I was not convinced that this business was be the thing for me, and also my commitments would have been too high. To found my own business I did not have enough capital. So, luckily, I came back to Chicago and am working in a camera shop again, for a little more money, although with longer workdays until 21 o’clock. I don’t think I will get vacation time; otherwise I would love to accept your invitation to visit you. Send me a picture, also of Lotte, who meanwhile must be a little Miss. And now about the immigration of my loved ones. As you know, I sent them a sponsorship from me and Harry Flanders last year that has in the meantime become invalid. I have been reminding Harry to renew the sponsorship but he acted extremely non-committal. Apparently he regretted his earlier intentions. Meanwhile I did not try anything again with Harry as I wanted to wait until father’s papers would be requested by Stuttgart. What will happen if he then refuses, I have no idea, for I doubt my sponsorship alone would be sufficient. Perhaps you can judge it better yourself: I have about 2500$ in savings, my weekly pay is 27.50$, and the disinterest of our lovely relatives must be to you just as inexplicable as it is to me, especially because I have never been a burden to them (I repaid them for the travel and initial accommodation costs already) and I have no intention to borrow from them again. I still hope that we find a solution and the request for the sponsorship will soon be made, so that my family can leave Germany soon enough, before the war breaks out in the entire Europe.

You must have heard directly from Uncle Salmon; he has a lot of company here, lots of acquaintances, and 3 times per week his Skat afternoons. Job has his hands full with his bread business and Else is developing unexpected housewifely qualities. I heard from the Golds that they visited you in New York, and asked them for your address. Write to me about Aunt Sofia and Uncle Jakob!

So, that’s it for today. Warm greetings to all in Louisville, Good Luck in your new homeland; stay healthy!