The Letters > 1940 Letters > November 1940 Letters
November 7, 1940
Martin Marx berichtet vom Ende seiner Junggesellenzeit und dem Stress vor der Hochzeit: er beschreibt die Wohnung in 4736 Woodlawn Ave. Apt. 1c, die er für 35 Dollar gemietet hat und zählt auf , was er an Möbeln bekommt oder kauft. Nach der gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen ärztlichen Untersuchung beider Brautleute erfolgte die Heiratsgenehmigung; die Hochzeit soll mit einem deutschen Rabbiner am 21. 11. 12.00 Uhr in Mitzis Haus 5473 Harper Ave. stattfinden - mit Empfang nachmittags und Essen abends im engsten Verwandtenkreis. Martin erkundigt sich, ob jetzt nach der Präsidentenwahl, die Abfertigung in Stuttgart schneller vonstatten geht und hofft, dass er amerikanischer Staatsbürger sein wird, bis Emils (Kontingent-)Nummern in Stuttgart aufgerufen werden.
Dear All,
My bachelor days are coming to an end soon. Naturally, I barely know whether I am coming or going, given the many things that I need to organize. On Sunday I rented a flat for 235 which is relatively inexpensive. We have a 3x5 metre living room with a built-in bed, bathroom, kitchen and dining area. The bed can be made to disappear in the wall, where there is also room for clothing and some drawers. The new address is 4736 Woodlawn Ave, Apt 10. Now we need more furniture. We’ll get a desk and a couch from the in-laws, for the dining area I have to buy a table and chairs, plus a few dressers and possibly an upholstered chair. Some of our things we’ll put in the travel chest and store in the basement.
Meanwhile we had our health tests as per law and applied for the permission to marry. Tomorrow I will speak with the German Rabbi. The wedding will take place Nov 21 at noon in Mitzi’s place 5473 Harper Ave; only relatives are invited. We’ll have a reception in the afternoon and dinner in the evening. Mitzi has a wonderful white wedding gown and I will shine wearing a tuxedo instead of tails.
I have nothing else to report other than these details. On Sunday Mitzi and I visited Uncle Salmon and the Nachmanns. Otherwise I have not met any other relatives. I’d like to double my free evenings.
I still have not got any mail from you; the last one was dated Oct 8. How is Aunt Hans doing, where is she now? Do you think that now, after the presidential election the procedure in Stuttgart will become speedier? If not, I will become an American citizen by the time it is your turn. I only hope you are not suffering too much on account of the inclement weather. Here it is already rather cold.
Well, for now, my warm greetings to you, especially to you dear Mrs Kossmann for your birthday and I wish you a happy and carefree future. Stay healthy.