

Martin schreibt an seine Familie in Frankfurt, dass er, durchs Weihnachtsgeschäft bedingt, sehr viel zu tun und seine Zeit so knapp ist, dass er die Mittagspause im Geschäft zum Schreiben nutzt. Seine selbst entworfenen Danksagungen (Hochzeitsfoto links, Danksagungstext rechts) für die Hochzeitsgeschenke und –glückwünsche seien noch nicht einmal heraus!

Mitzis Kochtalente entwickeln sich (gebratene Ente im neuen elektrischen Kocher), und es gibt einen Farbfilm Lees über die Hochzeit, über den sich auch die Frankfurter demnächst amüsieren sollen.

Dear All,

Since your Oct 26 letter I have not received anything. But today is the day the post is being picked up, so I want to write to you quickly. And since I am writing this in the shop during my lunch break, Mitzi cannot add anything to it, but she sends you thousand greetings. Actually there is not much to tell; I get to go home always very late, because the shop is crazy busy before Christmas. So far we did not even have time to write our thank you notes for the presents, which we really should do soon. I have made a card with our wedding photo on the one side, with the other side to write on. That I am feeling great I do not need to tell you; it is just terrific in our new home. Mitzi is becoming talented in cooking; we had a duck roast in our electric cooker. By the way, this week we get the film from the wedding; I am glad that this way you will be able to see it also. Else is especially shining on this film; I wish you could watch and comment on it.

How are you doing? Hope it is not as cold there as it was here the other day. Make sure you follow your diet, and write to me if I can send anything to you to help your diet. Stay healthy and all the best for the difficult winter time. To Mrs Kossmann, one more time the warmest birthday wishes and give my greetings to all.