

Martin Marx schreibt – wieder in Chicago – an „meine Lieben“: Er verweist auf seine bereits vier Luftpostbriefe um den Jahreswechsel 1939-1940 herum, die nach Frankfurt mehrere Wochen unterwegs sind und erkundigt sich, was im Haushalt seines Vaters an Nahrungsmitteln gebraucht wird, obwohl von U.S.A. keine Pakete mehr durchkommen.

Er teilt mit, dass er wieder in einem Photogeschäft arbeitet und 25 Dollar die Woche verdient und überrascht seinen Vater mit der Nachricht, dass er sich zu verheiraten gedenkt, wie das auch Herrmann Marx schon tat und Stanley Winter noch vorhat . Die Angebetete Mitzi Hesky kennt er seit 3 Jahren; sie erinnere ihn an seine Mutter wie noch kein Mädchen zuvor. Er beschreibt Herkunft und Tätigkeiten der Familie Hesky und zerstreut die imaginierten Bedenken und Einwürfe seines Vaters, indem er auf das zu erwartende Doppeleinkommen zusammen mit seiner künftigen Frau hinweist und auf die für Emil und Hede Marx zurückgelegten Ersparnisse für ihre Befreiung aus der „Kriegszone“.

Dear All,

I cannot understand how it is possible that you have not received any mail from me since my Nov 5th letter. Meanwhile I had sent 3 letters, Nov 8 and 18, one on Dec 28, and one by airmail on Jan 5. I did not send a package with food as I was told it would not be delivered. I can only send 2 pounds; what would you be able to use? The last letter from you is dated Dec 12. You were asking about the family members here. They are doing fine. Bertha is still here, but I see them very little as I always come home quite late. As I wrote in my earlier letters: since the end of November I have again been working at a photo shop for 25 dollars/week, but with longer workdays: 3 times until 7, and 3 times until 9. Herrmann Marx got married and Stanley Winter is engaged. I, too, have serious plans to get married to a very nice and fine girl, who I have been friends with for three years: Mitzy Hesky from Munich, 28 years old; she came here with her younger brother three and a half years ago. One year ago their parents arrived; they all live together. She works in a factory for men’s clothing in Buero, her brother is a waiter at the Shoreland Hotel; currently in Florida for the season. The father attends school, the mother runs the household. Mitzi is a very good person, everybody loves her and I am most grateful to have found her. She reminds me of my mother - the first girl to do so. We love each other very much and it would be irresponsible of me to wait much longer with marrying her. We could very well manage with our earnings; I have put aside my savings for you so you don’t have to worry. For sure Hede will find a job as a maid or with children, and so she will be able to support herself. The main thing is that you get out of the war zone and will be able to leave soon. When do you think your number comes up? Ida Hirsch wrote to me in detail from Louisville; on the other hand, no word from Uncle Max. I wrote him as I returned from Texas.

Here everything is covered with snow – we have a real winter. I hope you are all healthy and do not go hungry, and that you received mail in the meantime. Enclosed a picture of Mitzi in dirndl. Stay healthy and give my greetings to all.