

Martin Marx schreibt an seine Familie in Frankfurt, dass er sehr beschäftigt ist, und das selbst am Sonntag, obwohl das Weihnachtsgeschäft nicht so floriere wie im letzten Jahr. Er schickt Neujahrsgrüße und Geburtstagswünsche an Frau Kossmann.

Dear All,

I almost did not manage to write to you this week, as I have been working every day until late, even Sundays. Even so, the Christmas business is not as good as last year, because most people go downtown to shop and we are somewhat removed from it. I have no news, and I must be brief. But for that you have much more from the enclosed letters from Salomon, Mitzi and her parents. I wish you all the best for the New Year and once more, Happy Birthday to you dear father, and Happy Birthday to you dear Mrs Kossmann. Please let me know if I can send you anything.

Take care, stay healthy and greetings to all.