
Dear Father,

It used to be that it was you who wrote “Dear Martin“ and me who wrote “Dear All”; now it is the other way around. It made me so happy as I received your letter of Jan 7 and saw your handwriting on the envelope and heard that you are again up and about and can even go outside. Uncle Salomon said your attack was just like his a while ago and I can only hope you recover from it just like he did. We visited him last Sunday and he said Uncle Max and Aunt Selma will also come by soon. I have already written to you that they could not attend our wedding because of the Christmas business. Sunday afternoon we also visited Justin Kotzler whose new flat is bigger than ours as they need space for Hilde’s piano. He received a telegram from his parents from Leipzig last week who asked him to deposit the money for their travel via Portugal. Sunday evening we had another visit by Americans, friends from the dunes; (one is a former boss of J.B. Simpson); Paul Basinger and his wife and an American girl – Mitzi was a bit nervous at first – but all went down very well. The weather is still cold; many people got the flu, even Mitzi was for 2 days at home last week; You had asked about Ruth’s marriage; well her engagement has not officially happened yet, so I guess the wedding also will have to wait for a while. I hope my letters will arrive faster now and that you have received the pictures in the meantime. Last week I also sent you a care package with coffee, tea and sugar. Let me know if you need anything else. And now many greetings to Hede, Mrs Kossmann, all the neighbors and acquaintances. Mitzi and her parents send their greetings as well.