11-03-1941-Albert Koppel
November 3, 1941 To Albert Koppel
Meine Lieben,
I have just received the enclosed letter from France (saved on postage) which I forwarded to you right away. I am glad to hear that now also Herbert and Rudolf are free, and so the whole family, except for you and Erna, is reunited. Rudo had asked that, as soon as I was to receive confirmation from you that the papers arrived in Washington, I should pay $100 for Aunt Hans and Rudo’s travel. I am afraid, it is currently not possible for me to do so, because recently there have been many changes around here. I had paid for the trip for Father and Hede hoping that this would allow them to come to the U.S.A. directly. Meanwhile the U.S.A. consulates were closed, and I received several telegrams to organize the trip via Cuba, which cost me a lot of money, so I had to borrow some of it myself. The only issue to clear is, whether Hede receives her exit permit, as she is under 45. As soon as I know this for sure I will work on the Cuba trip so that I can prevent their deportation to Russia or Poland. I will see if I can still do anything for your mother, but I cannot promise much. Let me know anyway how it is going with your efforts. Hope you and your two children are doing well. We too, (well, so far without children) are doing OK. Keep in touch and greetings from your Martin.