

Martin Marx schreibt an seinen Vater, dass die Hochzeit auf den 21. 11. 1940 festgesetzt ist, dass sein erkrankter Freund Harry plötzlich verstorben ist und dass Mitzi ihre Schwester in New York anlässlich der Hochzeit ihres Neffen besucht und sich dabei für die eigenen Hochzeitsvorbereitungen gut vorbereiten könne.

My dear family,

Last week was quite eventful. Wednesday evening I was in Windermere after some break as Harry was ill and did not want any visitors. I found Harry a bit tired when I visited him, but otherwise well – we listened to a speech of the president on the radio. They expected him to be able to go out soon. Next day I got a call from Herbert Winter that Harry has died of a heart attack! He was 46 years old. On Friday I attended his funeral.

Sunday we went looking at apartments; have seen a few 2 and 2.5 room places for between 35 and 37.50 dollars, but we have not taken any of them until now. The day before yesterday the military lottery was held; I drew No 1836 and so I think, I would have to go next year or the year after. Meanwhile I told Salomon and the Nachmann’s about my engagement. Uncle Salomon is back from his Louisville trip, so I will have to see to it that I visit him with Mitzi, although these days I am quite busy, because for example Monday nights I attend a very good lecture at the Sinai Forum. So I have only Wednesday and Friday night free, for I work until late otherwise. Last night I was invited to Mitzi’s American relatives for Dinner. By the way, the concert of Hilde’s friend was extremely successful on Friday, but even I received some of the celebration as I announced my engagement.

As far as the wedding date is concerned, most likely it will be on Nov 21, for then we can have a few days for ourselves, from Thursday till Sunday. My future bride is still in New York, visiting her sister and attending the wedding of a nephew; hopefully she will watch everything very carefully so she can have great tips for us. What a pity that you cannot attend our wedding. How it all will run have no idea yet, but I believe, it will be held at Mitzi’s home and only the closest relatives, Uncle Salmon, Aunt Selma and Uncle Max will be invited.

Here I was interrupted by Lee Winter who drove me home. Meanwhile it is Friday and I must finish because the post will soon be closing. I hope you are well, that you are healthy and that the winter is not too cold. Mitzi sends her love; she wanted to write herself but had no opportunity. Greetings to all and stay healthy.